Narratives from the past that document episodes of violence and abuse faced by a deaf woman of black descent
Narrativas do passado que documentam episódios de violência e abuso enfrentados por uma mulher surda de ascendência negra
The article investigates historical narratives of violence and abuse of a black deaf woman in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri/PA. With the objective of identifying how the female gender in a condition of non-white deafness deals with issues of violence. It explores the problem of how the subject exposed to these circumstances of hostility and abuse correspond to the acts that victimize him. It consists of a reflexive bibliographic review through access to the database on the Capes Periodical Portal. The study is based on scholars such as: Costa (2011); Santiago (2009); Formoso and Klein (2007). The research was developed from a qualitative approach as a method of investigation through semi-structured interviews directed to the interviewee. The results show that violence is real in the interviewee's experience with regard to aspects related to her identity and the way she relates to society. Therefore, it has a negative impact on the formation of their identity and on their accessibility to social sectors.
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