Analysis of women’s experiences regarding the therapeutic management of diabetes during pregnancy
Análise das vivências de mulheres sobre o manejo terapêutico da diabetes na gestação
Diabetes mellitus;, Gestational diabetes;, Prenatal care;, Perinatal care;, Wome’s health;Resumo
Objective: to analyze the experiences of pregnant women with diabetes regarding therapeutic management in a hospital in the Federal District, Brazil. Methods: qualitative investigation involving 27 pregnant women with previous or acquired Diabetes Mellitus during pregnancy. Collection was carried out between November 2019 and January 2020. The content analysis technique was used to process the data. Results: in the participants' reports, the following prevailed: lack of knowledge, fear of maternal-fetal repercussions, unpreparedness to deal with the disease, difficulties in treatment, little accessibility to the multidisciplinary team, and suggestions for improvements to the service. Three categories were found: Challenges in treatment and social and family impact from the perspective of pregnant women; Feelings related to the evolution of pregnancy, labor and birth and; Need for improvements to the prenatal service from the perspective of pregnant women. Conclusion: The contribution of evidence is based on the possibility of improvements in the service that improve the quality of care for pregnant women with diabetes.
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