Blackbody radiation and photoelectric effect: continuing education for teachers
Radiação do corpo negro e efeito fotoelétrico: formação continuada para docentes
This work reports an activity conducted at the University of São Paulo (USP-School) Meeting in January 2022, intended for teachers in the field of Exact and Earth Sciences, in the mode of continuing education. It involves a dialogued and interactive activity, with hands-on practical activities (do it yourself) and suggestions for implementation with high school students in face-to-face or online classroom settings. The purpose of the proposal is to review and delve into topics related to Modern and Contemporary Physics (MCP) along with Physics educators working in Basic Education. Additionally, it aims to bring about reflection on pedagogical practices and collective consideration of alternative approaches to addressing MCP subjects, taking into account the students' potential and interests. To evaluate the proposal, an online questionnaire was administered, consisting of an open-ended question and other closed-ended questions. According to the teachers who participated in the course and responded to the questionnaire, the time dedicated to completing the course was beneficial for exchanging experiences, deepening knowledge, and gaining access to materials to be used in the classroom. In this sense, the proposal achieved its objective.
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