Use of natural rooter in the production of acerola seedlings
Uso de enraizador natural na produção de mudas de acerola
The present work aimed to evaluate the initial development and rooting of stem cuttings of acerola tree using a stimulating solution obtained from germinated bean seeds. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (DIC), with three treatments (Control; 300 g and 500 g of beans) and three replications with 10 cuttings each. The 15 cm long cuttings were planted in 910 mL black polyethylene bags. The variables were obtained 45 days after planting, namely: length of the largest shoot, number of shoots, fresh mass of the shoots, dry mass of the shoots and rooting percentage. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and Snedecor's F test (p<0.05). All variables were not significant by the Snedecor F test (p<0.05), however, only the control did not emit roots. Thus, the natural rooting agent prepared from germinated bean seeds, despite the non-significance, showed positive potential to be used in the production of acerola seedlings through the cutting technique
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