Lingerie, high heels, lipstick, alcohol and tobacco: paraphilias and fetishes and the Mental Health of Sex Workers
Lingerie, salto alto, batom, álcool e tabaco: parafilias e fetiches e a Saúde Mental das Trabalhadoras Sexuais
mental health, sex workers, popular health educationResumo
Law No. 10,216 (National Mental Health Policy) reports on the rights and protection of people suffering from mental disorders. Objective: to report the perceptions of female sex workers about their mental health in light of the Mandala of Knowledge. Results: 1st moment: Who are we – participants make their self-introduction. 2nd moment: Getting to know the Mandala - explanation of what Popular Health Education is. 3rd moment: Our daily mental health - presentation of images with the main CMDs. 4th moment: How can I help myself? – the sex workers brought their stories about each image present in the mandala. Through constructions and deconstructions of EPS, strong and real stories from sex workers about CMD were highlighted. Conclusion: we noticed the precariousness between quality of life and the job carried out by sex workers, their long working hours, risk of harassment and police violence, precarious financial situation, thus reflecting on their mental health, whether at home or in the work environment.
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