Public health, information infrastructure and border objects: the construction of open databases for the judicialization of health
Saúde Pública, infraestrutura da informação e objetos de fronteira: a construção de bases de dados aberta para judicialização da saúde
The judicialization of health is a dense and multifaceted topic that encompasses various interfaces: social, political, legal, and administrative. Due to this, any analysis demands an interdisciplinary and multidimensional approach. Moreover, the absence of organized and categorized databases hinders a secure analysis of the issue. In this context, the aim of this paper is to introduce a methodology for the automated assembly of open, accessible, shareable, and secure databases on the judicialization of health, grounded in the concept of information infrastructure and the Judicialization 2.0 paradigm. The data assembly methodology, utilizing the Electronic Justice Journal (DJe), resulted in the JUDJe information system, an information infrastructure based on machine learning, to gather more accurate and reliable data on the judicialization of health in Brazil, drawing from the interdisciplinary dialogue inherent in this concept.
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