Guidelines for developing behavioral models of local productive arrangements (APL) and their effect on social transformation

Diretrizes para elaboração de modelos de comportamento de arranjos produtivos locais (APL) e o impacto na transformação social



Sábato´s Triangle model, Technology-Habitat Circuit, Social Transformation, Cluster Behavioral model, Local Production Cluster


The implementation of productive arrangements, similar to clusters, in Brazil, has led to the structuring of Local Productive Arrangements (APL). APLs are territorial agglomerations of economic, political, and social agents focused on a specific spectrum of economic activities. The proper structuring of these productive arrangements to incorporate technologies impacts the capacity for transformation and sustainability of the APL, fostering beneficial outcomes on local development and the socio-economic conditions of the territory. Based on the analysis of various models that have been compared by the Sábato´s Triangle and the Technology Habitat Circuit, it is possible to propose a structure of actors/vertices, factors, constructs, and indicators with a view to developing guidelines for the construction of behavioral models of APLs. These models should simulate the dynamic behavior of the arrangement for various compositions, multivariate stimuli, and regional scenarios, allowing for testing proposals aimed at supporting and promoting productive systems.


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Biografia do Autor

Renelson Ribeiro Sampaio, Centro universitário SENAI-CIMATEC

2007-03-01 to present | Professor Titular (Full Professor) (Modelagem Computacional) at  Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC: Salvador, BA, BR. Postdoctoral Fellow (2010/11), at the Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin Madison with Professor Erik Olin Wright. Ph.D. (1986) in the area of Economics of Innovation at Science Policy Research Unit - SPRU, University of Sussex, England. Masters (1979) in History and Social Studies of Science - University of Sussex, England. Graduate Studies (1974-75) in Mathematical Physics - UNB, and BS in Physics (1973) - Physics Department of UFMG. Research on the following subjects: Generation and dissemination of knowledge in innovation processes in organizations; System dynamics modeling to analyze the competitiveness of industrial clusters (local production systems).

Cristiano Vasconcellos Ferreira , Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

2010-01-06 to present | Professor Associado II (Engenharia ). 2010-01-06 to present | Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica (Engenharia da Moilidade)


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