Ultrasonographic study in healthy rabbits: B-mode of abdominal organs and Dopplerflowmetry of major vessels
Estudo ultrassonográfico em coelhos saudáveis: Modo-B de órgãos abdominais e Dopplerfluxometria de grandes vasos
Rabbit farming in Brazil is growing due to the quality of meat, ease of management, high prolificacy, and their use in research and as pets. However, studies on diagnostic imaging in rabbits are scarce. This study investigated the use of ultrasonography to assess abdominal organs and blood flow in 15 male rabbits, separated by weight. The results highlighted the uniform texture of the liver, which showed lower echogenicity than the right renal cortex, a hyperechoic wall of the gallbladder, and a fusiform shape of the spleen. Parameters such as size and location of the kidneys, bladder wall thickness, and adrenal gland measurements were evaluated. Doppler was used to analyze the aorta and renal artery, calculating Doppler velocity indices to assess hemodynamic function. This study contributes to understanding abdominal ultrasonography in rabbits, providing relevant information about the anatomy and hemodynamics of these organs.
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