Maker Culture: dissemination of knowledge and development of skills and competencies for the 21st century
Cultura Maker: difusão do conhecimento e desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências para o século XXI
Creativity, Maker Culture, Innovation, Problem solvingResumo
The investigation of 21st century skills, in the context of Maker Culture, revealed the importance of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, in addition to technical skills. These socio-emotional skills play a fundamental role in promoting the integral development of individuals. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of Maker Culture, its essential competencies and its influence in various areas. It highlights the importance of recognizing this culture as a transformative force that shapes the present and future of education, innovation and the dissemination of knowledge in an inclusive and collaborative way. The research adopted a methodology that included the selection of articles in the Scopus database, quantitative analysis and data visualization with the help of specialized software. The investigation revealed a constant increase in academic production on Maker Culture, with notable growth from 2017 onwards, indicating a growing and continuous interest in this movement, in addition to its relevance in areas of knowledge such as computer science, education and intelligent systems, highlighting its interdisciplinarity and applicability in different areas. Therefore, from this research, it is suggested that Maker Culture is not only a production movement, but also a training movement, preparing 21st century makers for the challenges of the contemporary era.
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