School dropout: study of the CST ADS IFRO - Ji-Paraná Campus

Evasão escolar: estudo do CST ADS IFRO – Campus Ji-Paraná


  • Max Uanderson Pereira Menegaz Instituto Federal de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Rondônia - IFRO
  • Gleison Guardia Instituto Federal de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Rondônia - IFRO
  • Clayton Ferraz Andrade Instituto Federal de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Rondônia - IFRO


Dropout, Frequency, Income, Stay, Success


Discussing school dropout is essential for education, which is fundamental for the development of a nation, to be understood in terms of the flaws that lead to the withdrawal of students and corrective measures can be adopted. This study aimed to conduct a research whose main point is to discover the possible factors that motivate school dropout from the course of Analysis and Development of Systems of the Federal Institute of Rondônia - IFRO - Ji-Paraná Campus. A descriptive analysis of the data from the Unified System of Public Administration of the Federal Institute of Rondônia - SUAP was carried out. Data such as gender, race/ethnicity, entry form, municipality of students, neighborhood of students, type of transportation, type of school of origin were collected. In this study there is a prevalence of men (64.5%). The frequency of students was more incident among men, with some municipalities with higher rates than others (Urupá, Ji-Paraná, Outro Preto do Oeste, Porto Velho, Presidente Médici and Nova União). The highest income was verified in Ji-Paraná, evidencing that the need to move to another municipality can harm the results of the students. Men had better performance than women, however, the difference is not significant, since the total number of women is only 55% of the total number of men. Women’s income was lower than men’s, one of the factors that can justify a lower performance and interfere on the transport used, 11.2% of women depend on public transport, thus, with lower income women have less conditions to use private transport. The progress among men was greater, especially in Ji-Paraná. White women and men have higher incomes than brown or black people, there is a greater dropout among men, however, as there are more men, it is understood that the difference is not significant.


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Biografia do Autor

Gleison Guardia, Instituto Federal de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Rondônia - IFRO

Docente do Curso Superior de Superior de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas do Instituto Federal de Rondônia Campus Ji-Paraná. Mestre em Educação Escolar. e-mail: ORCID - ORCID 0000-0003-1402-0777


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