Management of the nursing schedule in an oncology surgical center: a systematized prototype of a collaborative tool

Gestão da escala de enfermagem em centro cirúrgico oncológico: protótipo sistematizado de ferramenta colaborativa



Objective: to report the development of a collaborative tool prototype for the nursing service roster management process in an oncology surgical center. Method: applied research with data collection from virtual question forms, during July 2022, for nurses and nursing technicians of an oncology surgical center, supervisor nurses and nursing leadership, totaling 65 participants. Data processing was consolidated using the R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18) -- "Camp Pontanezen" program. After the insertion of the research project in the Brazil Platform, appreciation and approval by the Research Ethics Committees and acceptance of the participants, the data were collected. Results: collaborative tool prototype ensuring the active participation and leadership of the team with the participation of all access profiles. Conclusion: reported the prototype development process with the following modules: administrative, duty roster and management reports.


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