The presence of the family member/companion of the hospitalized child in the perioperative period: contributions to pediatric nursing
A presença do familiar/acompanhante da criança hospitalizada no período perioperatório: contribuições para a enfermagem pediátrica
Pediatric Nursing, Family, Child, Hospitalized, Perioperative Period, Perioperative NursingResumo
Objectives: to describe the experiences of the family member/companion of a child undergoing orthopedic surgery in the perioperative period; to analyze the presence of the family member/companion of the child undergoing surgery in the perioperative period with the concepts of family care described by Ingrid Elsen. Method: a qualitative study based on the concepts of family care described by Ingrid Elsen. A non-directive group interview was carried out with nine family members/carers of hospitalized children. Results: in the preoperative period, the reactions of the children's relatives/carers and the team were diverse due to the child's and their companion's previous information and the team's technical-scientific knowledge. In the operating room, the testimonies pointed to the child's safety in the presence of the family member/companion. In the post-operative period, the interviewees highlighted the success of the surgery and the children's life expectancy. Final considerations: The presence of a family member/companion in the perioperative period increases family-child-team interaction, establishing situations conducive to child- and family-centered care.
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