Civil construction in Angola: planning aspects in post-war management
Construção civil em Angola: aspetos e planejamento na gestão pós-guerra
Management planning;, Construction;, Post-war period;, Development in Angola.Resumo
This study seeks to answer in full, what is the influence of the civil construction sector for the development process of Angola, a country on the African continent, which has a history of 27 years of armed conflict. Thus, it is proposed to analyze the sector in question, aiming at the aspects and management plans of the post-war period, from 2002 to 2022, in order to statistically measure its contribution to the country's growth. In this perspective, in order to present facts and influence of the sector, it is necessary the factors that did not support the development structure, but that contributed and/or contribute significantly to the degradation of the nation. To achieve this objective, qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches were used, allowing the understanding and simplified exposition of the complex information obtained through bibliographic references, and analyzing the data obtained through different sources. As a result, some planned programs were executed and continue to be, but do not meet the demand and we conclude that Angola, in its 18 provinces, however does not promote the great measure of reconstruction, with little efficiency in the civil construction process.
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