Evaluation of the use of the game “Learning Electricity on Roller coaster” as a didactic technological resource for teaching physics

Avaliação do uso do jogo “Learning Electricity on Roller coaster” como recurso tecnológico didático para o ensino de física



The increasing use of digital games as a teaching resource in education makes it necessary to study the impacts of using this technology in the teaching-learning process. This is the objective of this article, which evaluated the impact of using the digital game Learning Electricity on Roller coaster – LEORC, which is a game aimed at teaching Physics to high school students from two public schools in Macapá-AP. Where a questionnaire was filled out by students right after using the LEORC game in the classroom. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis with the help of the R program. In light of the work carried out, it was possible to demonstrate that the LEORC game was a tool that had a positive impact on student learning, contributing to motivating, immersive learning. and significant in physics teaching.


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