Social network intervention enhances attention and memory functions in elderly women: a neuropsychological study
Intervenção em redes sociais eleva funções de atenção e memória em idosas: um estudo neuropsicológico
Older people, Cognitive training, Social network, Attention, MemoryResumo
The cognitive functions of elderly people who interact online were assessed. Interventional research of a descriptive-analytical nature was conducted. A sample of 41 elderly women was evaluated both before and after the intervention. The data analysis was carried out using the Friedman test, with a significance level set at p ≤ 0.05. The empirical material was examined through content analysis. A significant improvement in cognitive functions of attention and memory in the groups that underwent the intervention was observed. It is concluded that cognitive training on social networks can promote healthy aging by improving certain cognitive functions in the elderly.
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