Graduates of the intercultural degree course indigenous people of the Karipuna ethnicity and their pedagogical praxis: Oiapoque/AP
Egressos do curso licenciatura intercultural indígenas da etnia Karipuna esua práxis pedagógica: Oiapoque/AP
Public Policies;, Indigenous;, Teaching;, Karipuna;, Pedagogical Praxis;Resumo
The research entitled graduates of the indigenous intercultural degree course of the Karipuna ethnic group and their pedagogical praxis - Oiapoque/AP, had the general objective of analyzing the contributions of the indigenous intercultural degree course to the pedagogical praxis of indigenous teachers of the Karipuna ethnic group in Amapá and how specific : Know the political-pedagogical project of the indigenous intercultural degree course and verify whether they are in accordance with the philosophical-pedagogical and legal principles of indigenous school education; - Identify the contributions of the curriculum developed by the PPP to the practice of Karipuna teachers; and Verify whether the methodologies used by indigenous teachers in the teaching and learning process are in accordance with the principles of indigenous school education. The methodology was qualitative-quantitative research, as it allowed analyzing the phenomena involved. It was based on a case study, seeking to understand the knowledge of a specific reality. The results indicated that graduates can positively influence their students so that the local reality is constructed, giving visibility to the ideology of the Karipuna people.
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