Adaptation and validation of the safe birth checklist for a public maternal and child reference hospital

Adaptação e validação da lista de verificação do parto seguro para um hospital público de referência materno-infantil



Women's Health, Checklist, Natural Childbirth, Obstetric Nursing, Patient safety


Objective: to adapt and validate the World Health Organization's safe birth checklist for the Brazilian reality using a public maternal and child reference unit as a model. Method: this is a methodological study. In the first stage, the instrument was adapted based on the literature review and the guidelines of the safe birth checklist protocol. In the second stage corresponding to validation through content analysis, the adapted instrument was sent to the judges using Likert scales, consisting of 41 items. To analyze the data, the Content Validity Index was used. Results: Validity and content analysis were carried out by 17 judges working in assistance, teaching and research. Items with a Content Validity Index greater than or equal to 0.8 were maintained in full or underwent revisions as suggested by the judges. The instrument achieved an overall Content Validity Index of 0.96. Conclusion: the instrument was valid in the five dimensions studied and can be used in similar birth care services in Brazil and around the world and used in future research.


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