Cognition and Metacognition Development Through the Use of Educational Games: Expected Behaviors and Developed Behaviors

Desenvolvimento da cognição e metacognição com o uso dos games educativos: comportamentos esperados e comportamentos desenvolvidos


  • Adna Lemos UEG - Universidade Estadual de Goiás
  • Andréa Kochhann UEG - Universidade Estadual de Goiás


Cognition, Metacognition, Children, Educational Games


The article analyzed the use of educational games in the development of children's cognition and metacognition. Through the analysis of expected and developed behaviors, the research assessed the effects of educational games on the cognitive and metacognitive development of school-age children. The results indicated that educational games can contribute to the development of cognition and metacognition in children, promoting increased attention, memory, concentration, and logical reasoning. Additionally, educational games can also foster metacognitive skills, such as the ability to monitor and regulate one's own thinking and learning. Expected behaviors were identified based on theoretical studies on cognition and metacognition, while developed behaviors were observed through children's interactions with educational games. It was concluded that the use of educational games can be a valuable tool for the cognitive and metacognitive development of children, as well as a fun and engaging form of learning.


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