Prevalence of anemia in children until ten years in a private laboratory in Serra Gaúcha
Prevalência de anemia em crianças até dez anos em um laboratório privado da Serra Gaúcha
Anemia, Ferritin, ChildrenResumo
One of the main hematological changes seen in laboratory routine is anemia, especially iron deficiency. In this case, in addition to decreased hemoglobin stores, we find the same situation with iron stores. Ferritin, on the other hand, is used to visualize iron stores. In the present study, a sample was selected from the database of a private laboratory in the city of Nova Petrópolis, Rio Grande do Sul, consisting of 668 patients, aged between zero and ten years. Hemoglobin and ferritin measurements were evaluated over a twelve-month period. The prevalence of anemia in children aged zero to ten years was zero, with the main hemoglobin value being 12g/dL. The ferritin values were also all above the respective reference values, however, when we analyze the standard deviation, it is increased, indicating that the data is spread over a wide range of values. As the standard deviation of hemoglobin measurements is stable, iron deficiency anemia cannot be attributed to the participants.
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