Shared roots: intergenerational education in the playful traditions of the Akwẽ-Xerente people of the Amazon

Raízes compartilhadas: educação intergeracional nas tradições lúdicas do povo Akwẽ-Xerente da Amazônia



Intergenerational Education, Education in the Amazon, Indigenous Education, Educational Practices


The University of Maturity, linked to the Federal University of Tocantins, maintains a hub in the indigenous community of Tocantínia, located in the State of Tocantins, a member state of the Legal Amazon. The work aims to provide descriptions of these roots with a focus on the perceptions of indigenous elders in the territory regarding Intergenerational Education in indigenous communities, in the approach and perceptions of researchers from the Postgraduate Program in Education in the Amazon. The qualitative methodology with a phenomenological bias involves semi-structured interviews from Oral History and incorporates the sensations and descriptions derived from the narratives that echo the memory of the Akwẽ-Xerente people. The results describe lived experiences, rescuing nuances of oral tradition, cultural values ​​and intricate connections with indigenous elders. It is concluded that the research substantiates underlying theories through direct interviews with members of the indigenous community, by accessing perspectives inherent to intergenerationality in traditional teachings that engage with the cultural legacy of Amazonian communities and illuminate the richness of traditions present in the indigenous community from Tocantinia.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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