The application of the nr-18 checklist in an underground dam project and the operational focus on excavation activities
A aplicação do checklist da nr-18 em uma obra de barragem subterrânea e o foco operacional sobre as atividades de escavação
The objective of this research is the application of the NR-18 checklist as a management tool for safety, health, work hygiene and quality of life for workers in the excavation applied to the construction of the underground dam. The study was carried out in a civil construction work in progress, in order to verify compliance with the work safety legislation in a work after determining the area for renting the underground dam. The verification method was adopted, as it is considered a means of easy measurement and understanding, and is widely accepted in the security area, with a focus on item 18.6. All visits were accompanied by a professional responsible for the execution, and authorization was requested to photograph the construction site. The NR-18 has 26 items to be analyzed at the construction site and of these only 2 were in compliance with the regulations, they are the items order and cleanliness and living area, the items that were not in compliance are safety signs, excavations and PPE's.
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