Clock for the change of decubitus position

Relógio para a mudança de decúbito



Currently a decubitus clock is a device used in hospitals to monitor the patient's position in bed. In addition to preventing pressure sores, the decubitus watch can improve patient comfort and recovery by allowing medical staff to monitor and adjust positions more frequently and effectively. Following this premise, this project is inspired by the low-cost Lowthian watch model, using parts built in a 3D printer, arduino uno, buzzer, leds, protoboard, acrylic box and stepper motor. In addition to improving the physical structure, an easy-to-understand hygienic and practical model was introduced. In the end, the project results in an automated profile that contributes to the learning process related to innovation, stimulating creativity through the insertion of these resources in the daily routine of the hospital environment.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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