The epidemiological profile of Aids in Brazil in the period 2010-2020
Perfil epidemiológico da Aids no Brasil no período de 2010-2020
HIV, Epidemiology, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Public healthResumo
In Brazil, the AIDS epidemic still represents a relevant public health problem. The aim of this study is to analyze the epidemiological profile of individuals affected by AIDS in Brazil from 2010 to 2020. An ecological, descriptive, retrospective study was carried out quantitatively. Data were obtained from consulting the DATASUS databases. A total of 437,327 cases were observed, with a downward trend in their incidence during the analyzed period. Results demonstrated that AIDS, over the years, has been modifying its epidemiological profile, due to the processes of heterosexualization, juvenilization, pauperization, interiorization, and feminization of the pandemic. In the analyzed period, there was a prevalence profile of young adults, male, heterosexual, aged between 30 and 34 years old, brown, with complete secondary education, and living in the southeast. There has been an important change in the prevalence of the disease in recent years and the evaluation of the current risk behavior shows that heterosexuals have the highest number of diagnoses. It remarks the importance of emphasizing the fact that everyone is susceptible to contracting HIV infection if there is no prevention.
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