The use of chess in the development of mathematical and logical reasoning in high school students

O uso do xadrez no desenvolvimento do raciocínio matemático e lógico de estudantes do ensino médio


  • Weslay de Araujo
  • Francisco de Freitas
  • Bruno Cole
  • Davi dos Santos
  • Iuri Lustosa


This work presents the result of a bibliographical research on the use of chess in the development of mathematical and logical reasoning in high school students. The text aims to present the benefits of regular chess practice in the development of mathematical and logical reasoning in high school students. The contributions and benefits of regular chess practice in the development and improvement of cognitive and brain skills necessary for mathematical and logical reasoning were delimited as a reference for analysis. For the development of this activity plan, the following procedures were used: at first, the choice of the theme and the definition of the research objectives were made, then a survey of bibliographic material on the theme was carried out for the construction of the theoretical framework of the project and finally the analysis and interpretation of data was carried out. In order to do so, the relationship between the game of chess, the school environment and mathematical and logical reasoning is presented. Next, the possibilities of using chess as teaching material during math classes are shown.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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