Resilience in organizations: a case study in a technology cluster
Resiliência nas organizações: um estudo de caso em um cluster de tecnologia
Resilience, Information and communication technology, StrategyResumo
Organizations aim to stay aligned with their surroundings to navigate frequent changes that can occasionally jeopardize their survival. A convenient way to be prepared for these storms is to use organizational skills and resources to overcome moments of crisis. This way, the effort known as organizational resilience stands out, part of the dual-featured management repertoire. This duality is seen in the preparation to face environmental challenges through routines and processes, as well as the capability to rebound when the repertoire of actions isn't strong enough to ensure success amid contextual fluctuations. Keeping this in mind and firmly betting that strategies and information technology are leading and predominant vectors for the formation of organizational resilience, this study investigated and found factors with this content in scenarios of technology-based companies, immersed in an ecosystem of digital innovation and transformation, known as a technology cluster. The results obtained confirm good omens for a thematic-contextual articulation of the organizational factors outlined here.
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