Comorbidities and the occurrence of changes in Intracranial Compliance in elderly
Comorbidades e ocorrência de alterações da Complacência Intracraniana em idosos
Intracranial pressure (ICP), Elderly, Brain4care technology, Comorbidities in the elderly, Brain complianceResumo
Population aging is reality and indicates the need for a better quality of life. Aging brings loss of functions, neurological changes and comorbidities. Studies have sought to reduce the progression of diseases in the elderly and some suggest diseases may have their development related to high intracranial pressures (ICP). The aim of this study was to evaluate for the first time ICP morphology in residents of a Long-Term Institution for the Elderly, using a non-invasive technology. Of the 91 elderly people evaluated, 88% had ICP alterations, 58% are dependent to daily activities, 23% are wheelchair users and 79% have a mental state as compromised. As for comorbidities, frequently identified chronic-degenerative diseases were arterial hypertension (50%), depression (27%), diabetes (24%) and dementia (14%), in addition to polypharmacy. There was a significant difference in the prevalence of altered ICP for wheelchair users and for residents who do not walk . A high rate of altered ICP was observed in the population studied, highlighting the importance of assessing intracranial compliance in understanding the aging and future follow-up studies of the elderly at different stages of diseases, especially neurological ones.
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