Rehabilitation of atrophic jaws without bone grafting and the all-on-four technique: an integrative review
Reabilitação de maxilares atróficos sem enxerto ósseo e a técnica all-on-four: uma revisão integrativa
Oral rehabilitation, Atrophic jaws, Bone grafting, All-on-Four techniqueResumo
This article presents an integrative review that aimed to analyze and synthesize the available scientific literature on the rehabilitation of atrophic jaws without the need for bone grafting, using the All-on-Four technique. Searches were performed in scientific databases and selected studies published between 2018 and 2023. The review included clinical studies, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews that addressed the All-on-Four technique and the rehabilitation of atrophic jaws. The selected studies were analyzed for their objectives, methodology, and results. The results of the studies indicated that the All-on-Four technique is an effective approach for the rehabilitation of atrophic jaws, presenting, in most cases, a protocol pathway that dispenses with the need for extensive bone grafting. The integrative review identified limitations in the included studies, such as a lack of standardization in patient selection and techniques used, and a limited number of long-term studies. Therefore, further high-quality clinical research and long-term follow-up studies are needed to strengthen the evidence related to the All-on-Four technique in the rehabilitation of atrophic jaws.
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