Diagnostic challenges of rheumatological conditions in the Family Health Strategy
Desafios diagnósticos das afecções reumatológicas na Estratégia de Saúde da Família
Epidemiology, Primary Health Care, Chronic Pain, Chronic Disease, RheumatologyResumo
Objective: To characterize the main rheumatic complaints in an outpatient clinic of a Basic Health Unit. Methods: This is a quantitative, retrospective, descriptive, and documentary study conducted at a Basic Health Unit in Teresina – PI. Results: A total of 365 electronic medical records of patients seen in the general clinic were analyzed, excluding pregnant women and those below 50 years of age. Among the complaints recorded in 15% of the records, pain was the most prevalent (64.04%), followed by pain and edema (14.06%), and pain radiating to the limbs (12.5%). The epidemiological aspect showed that 80.70% of the complaints came from women, and were more common among patients aged 50 to 60 years (52.63%). The lumbar spine was the most affected site (33.34%). Conclusion: These results reinforce the frequency of rheumatic complaints in primary care, with an emphasis on pain in the lumbar spine in female patients during the early stages of aging.
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