The sertaneja landscape in Rogaciano Leite's poetics: an ecocritical approach

A paisagem sertaneja na poética de Rogaciano Leite: uma abordagem ecocrítica



Popular Poetry;, Rogaciano Leite;, Nature;, Ecocriticism.


The article has, as a general objective, to analyze poems by Rogaciano Leite from the perspective of Ecocritical theory (GARRARD, 2006). Its specific objectives are: To discuss the theoretical assumptions of Ecocriticism; as well as analyzing elements of Rogaciano Leite's poetry that bring connection points between nature and literature, as mentioned above; expand popular poetry readings in the academy through Rogaciano's poems; contribute to a better critical perception of literary texts by authors from Pernambuco; expand the critical and theoretical appreciation of popular literature texts in the training of Literature teachers. As for the methodology, the research has a qualitative approach, of a basic nature, exploratory objective and bibliographic procedure that was developed from the reading of the book Carne e Alma, by Rogaciano Leite (2009). The poems selected for the development of the research present revealing elements and positive and/or negative impacts of man in relation to nature, according to the vision of the lyrical self. Therefore, the research with the poetics of Rogaciano Leite allowed us to expand the reading and discussion of the sertanejo space and Pernambuco literature from an ecocritical perspective.


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Biografia do Autor

Igor Pereira Bernardo da Silva, Universidade de Pernambuco - UPE

Possui Licenciatura em Letras - Português e Espanhol pela Universidade de Pernambuco-UPE. Tem experiência em pré-vestibular da Universidade de Pernambuco (PREVUPE), como professor de língua espanhola. Possui o curso técnico em Artes Visuais pelo Instituto Federal de Pernambuco (IFPE). Aluno voluntário do PIBIC/CNPq/UPE, atuando na área de literatura entre 2020-2021.

Josivaldo Custódio da Silva, UPE

Letrólogo (FFPNM-UPE), Literaturista, Professor, Especialista em Literaturas de Língua Inglesa pela FFPNM-UPE; Mestre em Literatura e Ensino e Doutor em Literatura e Cultura, ambos pelo PPGL/UFPB; Pós-Doutor em Teoria da Literatura, com ênfase em Literatura Popular, pelo PPGL/UFPE. Professor adjunto de Literatura Brasileira e Literatura Popular dos Cursos de Letras e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras (PROFLETRAS) da UPE – Campus Mata Norte, Nazaré da Mata-PE, Brasil, 55.800-000, membro do Grupo de Pesquisa CELLUPE (Centro de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários da UPE).


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