Permanence of deaf students at the Federal University of Acre: remote education and pandemic
Permanência de estudantes surdos na Universidade Federal do Acre: ensino remoto e pandemia
This article aims to list the difficulties and challenges of deaf students, college professor and translators and interpreters of Libras during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was applied at the Federal University of Acre - Campus Sede, in Rio Branco, and the Campus Floresta, in Cruzeiro do Sul in the State of Acre in 2021. The methodology is qualitative and the study comprises field research of an exploratory and descriptive nature, whose production of empirical data was based on individual and collective interviews and a questionnaire focused on the thematic axes of bilingual education for the deaf, permanence and pandemic. We can indicate numerous limitations imposed on deaf college professor and students in relation to the reality they experience, always permeated by fear, uncertainty and severe exhaustion, by the insufficient and restricted actions proposed by the analyzed institution.
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