Study of the paintings on the ceilings and altarpiece of Church Matriz do Sagrado Coração de Jesus in Laranjeiras, Sergipe, Brazil
Estudo das pinturas dos forros e retábulo da Igreja Matriz do Sagrado Coração de Jesus em Laranjeiras, Sergipe, Brasil
Preservation, Mapping, Identification, Colors, PatrimonyResumo
There are many definitions for the word color, which in Latin (colore), means the impression that is produced on the retina after the diffusion of light by the bodies. One of the first actions is the visual analysis of the object under the light within a dominant frequency that is called Hue (color name), together with the sensation of Brightness and Saturation. This paper reports the studies carried out by the Scientific Initiation project PIF9919 between Sep/2021 and Aug/2022 at the Center for Preservation and Restoration Technology, Department of Architecture and Urbanism at the Federal University of Sergipe, identifying and mapping the chromatisms and degradations present in the layers of architectural surfaces of historic buildings, in particular, the paintings of two Ceilings (Chapel and Chapel of the Sacrament) and Altarpiece (Capela do Sacramento) of the Matriz do Sagrado Coração de Jesus, in the city of Laranjeiras SE/BR and listed in 1943 by IPHAN. Identifying and mapping colors, applying the MUNSELL Color Catalog in parallel with the theoretical/historical/perceptual/cultural study and pathologies of color, produce not only a record, but the possibility of preserving, restoring and understanding heritage in its amplitude.
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