Relation of the forest fragment matrix and the variation of acoustic signals of three species of Arremon (Passeriformes: Oscines)
Relação da matriz do fragmento florestal e a variação de sinais acústicos de três espécies de Arremon (Passeriformes: Oscines)
Species communication systems are sensitive to habitat and act as indicators of anthropogenic environmental degradation, as they function as an early warning of the effects of fragmentation on avifauna in short periods. In this way, the study of vocal patterns helps in understanding geographic variations and cultural evolution of populations. In this study we evaluated 270 recordings of three species belonging to the genus Arremon, which occur in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Arremon flavirostris, Arremon semitorquatus and Arremon taciturnus; with the aim of identifying changes in vocal characteristics between populations of the same species and verifying the relationship with the type of matrix surrounding the forest fragment. We found significant intraspecific differences in the vocal parameters of the three analyzed species. Thus, this study contributes to the taxonomic knowledge of the Arremon complex and provides information about the diversity of vocal signals of Brazilian species.
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