The permanence of the elderly in the world of work as an application driver in Curitiba
A permanência do idoso no mundo do trabalho como motorista de aplicativo em Curitiba
The growth of the elderly population in Brazil has been observed in several studies, which also indicate their continued productivity, requiring a series of adaptations to the current conditions of the working world. This study aimed to investigate the relationship that the elderly establish with technology in the exercise of his job acting as an application driver in the city of Curitiba and the justifications that keep them actively productive. Data were obtained through virtual interviews and questionnaires applied to eight participants selected using the Snowball sampling technique. The research showed that financial issues were one of the main reasons for them to remain active in the workforce. As for the technological resources necessary for their practice, no major difficulties were reported in terms of learning and usage. The study also highlighted the need for further discussions on the employment scenario for the elderly and a better utilization of their productive potential.
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