Visual Arts and teaching knowledge
Artes Visuais e os saberes docentes
Teaching profession, Teaching;, Teaching identity, ArtResumo
The article addresses knowledge and its importance for the teaching profession, focusing on teaching in Visual Arts. The art knowledge area fits into Languages, Codes and their Technologies. Art as a curricular component unfolds in basic education in: Visual Arts, Theatre, Dance and Music. Studies stand out that point to a vertiginous increase in research dealing with teacher training and knowledge. It proposes to analyze the paths taken to teach, areas of professional activity, as well as the perception of the teaching profession and the role of the VA teacher. It emphasizes the need for reflection on the professional identity of this teacher, focusing on his performance as a subject in training and trainer. Thus, the construction of their professional identity goes through a complex process, constituting themselves individually (personal) and collectively (group), since identity is built in a dynamic, feedback process, which reveals the way of being and being in the profession. The knowledge of pedagogical action is inherent to the exercise of the teaching profession, as it allows them to act competently in their craft, which is to teach.
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