Peel more in the Amazon! Intergenerational learning and health education at the University of Maturidade do Tocantins
Descasque mais na Amazônia! Aprendizagem intergeracional e educação em saúde na Universidade da Maturidade do Tocantins
Educational Practices, Intergenerational Education, Early Childhood Education, Health Education, Legal AmazonResumo
The work analyzes documents from the community of the João e Maria Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education (CMEI João e Maria), an educational space for children up to five years old, in a project developed in partnership with the elders of the University of Maturity, of the Federal University of Tocantins (UMA/UFT), Social Technology from Tocantins that cares for men and women who have aged, both located in Tocantins, a member state of the Brazilian Legal Amazon. It is a qualitative documentary research, with analyzes of the Descasque Mais, Desembale Menos Project, developed in the year 2022, as a transversal action of Health Education. Among the theoretical references of the analysis are LÜDKE and ANDRÉ (1986); the BNCC (National Common Curricular Base, 2018); GOUTHRO (2017); OSÓRIO, SILVA NETO and NUNES FILHO (2022); and GADOTTI (2016); in addition to notes on health care for the elderly and aging, from the Ministry of Health. So that, in the phenomenological view of MERLEAU-PONTY (1996), we share in the results our perceptions about the main contributions of maintaining dialogical relationships, through games and interactions, between children and the elderly, in favor of liberating intergenerational learning that guarantee subjects the improvement of contents that involve the importance of having good oral health, due to the decrease in the consumption of industrialized products with high sugar content. And we conclude that the shared descriptions promote reflections about Intergenerational Education, with notes that involve Health Education, in the spaces of Early Childhood Education, useful to those who wish to expand their pedagogical spaces in favor of lively and vigorous dialogic educational practices.
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