Microbiological characterization of soil in Guadalupe Plateau, Piauí

Caracterização microbiológica do solo no Platô de Guadalupe, Piauí



Agricultural implements, Multivariate analysis, Soil enzymes


The effects of replacing native forest with different pasture-based animal production systems on soil microbial biomass and enzymatic activity for fruit cultivation in the Guadalupe Plateaus (PI) were evaluated. Soil samples were collected during the dry and rainy seasons (0-10 cm). The monoculture systems studied were: Acerola, Banana, Guava, and a fragment of native Cerrado forest. The areas with solely banana and guava showed higher Cmic values compared to Acerola. The highest qCO2 results were observed in the acerola treatment during both the dry and rainy seasons. The highest values of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis potential were detected in the guava area in both seasons. The use of soil microbial carbon (Cmic), basal soil respiration (RB), qCO2, and the enzymatic activity of β-glucosidase, acid phosphatase, and FDA demonstrate sensitivity to soil management changes, making them efficient parameters for assessing alterations and ecological sustainability in soil biology in fruit cultivation areas in the southern region of Piauí state.


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