Reflections on generations in liquid modernity: a study on the relationship between education and generation alpha

Reflexões sobre as gerações na modernidade líquida: um estudo sobre a relação entre educação e a geração alpha



Society;, Technology;, Zygmunt Bauman.


The objective of this research was to present the relationship between education and the liquid-modern-technological-digital society based on the author Bauman. It was a bibliographic research with a qualitative approach, as this approach is primarily based on the improvement of ideas or the discovery of intuitions. The research was conducted from January to May 2023, and the Scielo and Google Scholar databases were used for the literature review. In the postmodern society, education faces what Bauman called liquid modernity, a name attributed to the liquefied characteristic present in today's postmodern society. The current society has liquefied the solid elements of modern society, transforming them into liquid and fluid. Everything has become interconnected and fluid, and digital technology has created a connection among the masses, forming a single fluid social mass. The components of this society, now divided into generations, coexist while preserving what makes individuals unique within their generations.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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