Use of aromatherapy in the care of anxiety in the process of tooth extractions: a review study
Uso da aromaterapia no cuidado da ansiedade no processo de extrações dentárias: um estudo de revisão
Tooth Extraction, Aromatherapy, Anxiety, DentistryResumo
The use of aromatherapy as an alternative method of controlling the level of anxiety in tooth extraction is still a controversial subject. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify what the scientific literature has about the influence of the use of aromatherapy related to the level of anxiety in patients undergoing dental extractions. The article search strategy was carried out in the databases of MEDLINE/PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase and in the Cochrane virtual library and manual search until May 2023, were consulted, following the PRISMA model and the articles classified according to levels of evidence. Five articles directly addressed the use of aromatherapy in tooth extractions. According to the study findings, aromatherapy proved to be effective and safe in controlling anxiety in more invasive procedures such as tooth extraction.
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