Perception of future production engineers on organizational ethics and social responsibility

Percepção de futuros engenheiros de produção sobre ética e responsabilidade social organizacional



Organizational ethics, Social responsibility, Engineering education, Moral, Sustainability


The concepts of ethics and morals play a fundamental role in everyday interactions, establishing guidelines on what is considered correct or incorrect, as well as guiding decision-making in the face of different situations. organizational. In this context, understanding the perception of students who will soon be in the market, being able to develop organizational policies based on ethical principles, as well as promoting social responsibility practices, becomes extremely important. This study aims to investigate the perception of Production Engineering students at the Petrópolis School of Engineering at the Federal Fluminense University about ethics, morals and social responsibility as a backdrop for organizational management. For this, the PRESOR scale, developed by Singhapakdi et al. (1996 and 2001), in order to measure the students' perception levels on the theme. At the end of this work, results were obtained that allowed a more in-depth analysis of the relationship between students and their ethical perceptions, contributing to a better understanding of the pre-established limits in this academic context and that can contribute to future professional development.


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