Inclusive special education in interface with critical interculturality: a look at research from the North of Brazil
A educação especial inclusiva em interface com a interculturalidade crítica: um olhar para as pesquisas do Norte do Brasil
Inclusive Education, Critical Interculturality, Disabled PersonResumo
The present research was carried out through a bibliographical survey in the postgraduate programs in education in the North region of Brazil. The investigation has the following objectives: a) to describe the perspective of authors who theorize about the concept of interculturality; b) verify if the works found deal with inclusion and the theory of interculturality; c) analyze how these works bring intercultural theory closer to the world of People with Disabilities (PwD). The research discusses Critical Interculturality and its interface with the universe of special/inclusive education. The methodology was qualitative research with a bibliographical survey on the websites of postgraduate courses in education in the North – state and federal institutions. The focus was theses and dissertations defended between the years 2015 to 2020. In the text we use tables and charts with the number of works on special education and the theory of critical interculturality. The results point to three dissertations that articulate special/inclusive education and critical interculturality.
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