Application of questionnaires to evaluate the perception of helminths in cattle herds in the Tocantina Region of Maranhão

Aplicação de questionários para avaliação da percepção de helmintoses em rebanhos bovinos da região Tocantina do Maranhão



Infections, Anthelmintics, Questionnaire


Helminths are infections caused by gastrointestinal nematodes, which settle in the digestive tract of two animals and cause inappetence, anemia, low growth, diarrhea, productive perch and consequently perch of high economic value. Attributed to this, this work was carried out with the objective of evaluating the perception of two rural producers regarding the problem of infection of cattle by gastrointestinal nematodes through questionnaires. The questionnaire was carried out remotely and applied via the Google Forms platform, being disseminated to livestock farmers, producers and collaborators in the Imperatrizense region. It was verified that 63.60% of the two interviewees had complete upper soil, 84.6% of the properties correspond to cut-off grades, 55.8% of the two owners use vermifuge twice a year, 46.2% two anthelmintics They are selected by veterinarians, 40% of the drugs consist of Ivermectin, 61.5% do not perform alternate grazing between ruminants and in 92.3% of the properties pasture rotation is performed, with extensive or more predominant management.


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