Quality parameters in the preparation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Sweet.
Parâmetros de qualidade na elaboração de doce de grão-de-bico (Cicer arietinum L.)
The aim of this work was to develop chickpea sweet and evaluate its physicochemical, sensory, and microbiological quality. Six formulations (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, and F6) were used in the preparation of the sweet. After production, the sweets were packaged and stored at room temperature for further microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory analyses. Microbiological analysis of the sweets in different formulations indicated a low presence of microorganisms. The total and fecal coliform values were below 3.0 MPN/g, and the mold and yeast values were below 10 UFC/g. Physicochemical analyses showed that the chickpea sweets in different formulations did not present a significant difference in their composition, except for formulation F5, which had a lower pH value and total soluble solids, and higher moisture and ash content. Sensory analysis indicated that all formulations were well accepted by the panelists, with average ratings ranging between "liked moderately" and "liked very much" on the hedonic scale. It can be concluded that the chickpea sweet resulted in a product of good microbiological and physicochemical quality, and it was well accepted sensory by the consumers. This indicates that chickpea has good technological potential for use in sweet processing.
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