Analysis of the scientific production on environmental crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Análise da produção científica sobre crimes ambientais durante a pandemia de COVID-19
Environmental Crimes, Bibliometric AnalysisResumo
The subject of environmental crime has become current at the national level and has been identified as an object of interest in different areas of knowledge and, therefore, different approaches are adopted in this regard. This work aims to map this production by means of bibliometric analysis. The selection of articles that constitute the corpus of the research was carried out through the Web of Science platform. We searched for scientific articles that had in their titles, abstracts or keywords the term: environmental crime with a filter for any language, without definition of locality and between the years 2018 and 2022, a period that is linked to the Covid-19 pandemic in the world. After the selection, the top 10 texts were listed.
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