Data protection: an analysis of the principle of purpose
Proteção de dados: uma análise sobre o princípio da finalidade
LGPD, Digital Law, Principle of Finality, Theory of Principles, Protection of sensitive dataResumo
The General Data Protection Law – LGPD strengthened the protection of personal information at the national level and equated it with international legal discipline. Inspired by the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR, the LGPD establishes the principle of purpose as one of the keys to understanding it. In the search to better reflect on the performance of the principle of purpose in the context of the General Data Protection Law – LGPD, through a qualitative and revisional approach, this article aimed to present some reflections on the importance of the principle of purpose in the application of the LGPD. From the theory of the principles of Humberto Ávila it was found that the principle of purpose goes beyond the boundaries of norm of orientation to constitute an instrument of delimitation and action in the search for the protection of personal data in the context of contemporary life, directing the LGPD to new horizons regarding the relational process of personal rights of a fundamental nature and the purpose as a principle.
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