Community fishing agreement and contextualized education on the riverside of the Acaí River, Porto de Moz, Pará, Brazil
Acordo de pesca comunitário e educação contextualizada ribeirinha do rio Acaí, Porto de Moz, Pará, Brasil
riverain, livelihood, AmazonResumo
Various educational actions focused on preservation and conservation of nature do not problematize issues closely linked to the ways of life of traditional communities. This work presents educational methodologies in school and non-school spaces based on actions that involved riverside populations from three locations on the Acaí River that have a community fishing agreement established since 1992, in the municipality of Porto de Moz, Pará. Interviews were carried out with six community members to understand their views on the fishing agreement, and thus subsidize the educational action and the elaboration of a teaching plan on the subject. The systematized data were presented in a meeting with the participation of 36 people who recognized the positive results of the agreement, and defended its importance, defining proposals for its continuity. The insertion of the theme in the plans of the Science discipline or in integrated didactic projects of the school reinforce the maintenance of the fishing agreement and provide several pedagogical possibilities for a contextualized education that works the articulation between research, training and action.
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