Validation of health educational technology for visitors of burned adults admitted to intensive care
Validação de tecnologia educacional em saúde para visitantes de adultos queimados internados em terapia intensiva
Burns, Intensive Care Units, Family, Health EducationResumo
Objective: To develop and validate an educational technology in Folder format for health education of family members of severe burn patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit specific for this injury. Methods: Applied and quantitative research, carried out in a university hospital, using the theoretical-methodological framework proposed by Echer (2005). The development of Folder and content validation was carried out with nine experts. The Delphi technique was used to collect data with the judges. For data analysis, the minimum agreement of 0.88 was considered in the Content Validation Index. Results: Seven nurses, one doctor and one nurse-teacher participated in the research, all with previous experience in the care of the burned patient and minimum degree of specialist. The items with greater agreement among the judges were those related to the relevance of content, contributing to knowledge in the area and interest aroused by the theme. The material was validated with a Global Validation Index of 0.94. Conclusion: Folder is a validated educational technology that can be used in health education of family members of patients hospitalized in intensive care units for burns.
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