Changes in knowledge production: connections with the rhizomatic system through digital communication and information Technologies
As mudanças na produção do conhecimento: conexões com o sistema rizomático através das tecnologias digitais da comunicação e informação
The use of Digital Didactic Material - MDD in the classroom configures a new teaching and learning practice that deterritorializes learning centers and relativizes the traditional hierarchy of knowledge, making them mobile and decentralized. Its general objective is to analyze the challenges, possibilities and opportunities provided by arborescer in metaphors and changes in the production of knowledge. The specific objectives were: to verify the difficulties, challenges, possibilities and opportunities that the MDD imposes on teachers to develop new teaching processes; point out the changes in teaching practice after the implementation of the Digital Didactic Material through their mobile devices and establish the relationships between the rhizomatic system and the production of knowledge. The selected methodology and the qualitative bibliographical research. Thus, the use of TDIC points to a school as a space for mediating collective intelligence, in addition to defining the role of the teacher together with the students. The themes that Lévy develops on the concepts of cognitive ecology, intelligence technologies and collective intelligence are the conceptual basis of this study.
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