The school in the virtual era: alerts and potentialities
A escola na era virtual: alertas e potencialidades
Education, Everyday school life, Digital culture, School virtualizationResumo
This article addresses digital culture and its relationship with education. The objective is to discuss the role of the school in contemporary times from the challenges and possibilities for digital inclusion in the classroom. It is a bibliographical study based on concepts involving Anthropology and Sociology, relating them to studies on education and technology. Topics are discussed about teacher exhaustion in the face of the intensification of the use of digital technologies in the classroom with the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for critical training of students in digital culture and the challenges of the school in fulfilling its social function. through technological transformations and the feeling of constant connection at any time and place. As a result, the importance of appropriating digital culture at school and the need for educational institutions to act as protagonists in a critical formation of the technological age are pointed out, both in the sense of exploring its potentialities and identifying and refuting its harms. Finally, the importance of researchers, management teams and public policy makers to face the digital culture in educational institutions as an opportunity for dialogue between this and the everyday school life.
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