Causes of maternal and fetal mortality in Brazil: A systematic review
Causas de mortalidade materna e fetal no Brasil: Uma revisão sistemática
Mortalidade fetal, Morte fetal, Mortalidade maternaResumo
Objective: to analyze all the possible causes of maternal and fetal mortality in Brazil, taking into account the aforementioned variables and the point of view of other authors, with the aim of expanding the knowledge of the population and health professionals. Methods: A bibliographic research on the subject was carried out. Then, analyzes of the articles that met the inclusion criteria were carried out and these were organized in tables according to the PRISMA recommendation. Results: The main complications of maternal deaths are: hypertension, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia; severe bleeding and infections, especially after childbirth; childbirth complications; unsafe abortions; and, illnesses such as malaria or HIV infection during pregnancy. Conclusion: In short, it is concluded that, although maternal and fetal mortality have an important impact on public health, their risk can be avoided if the related risk factors are identified early in prenatal care.
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