Viability analysis of insertion of pounds in the early years and its insertion in Enem

Análise da viabilidade da inserção de libras nos anos iniciais e sua inserção no Enem


  • Ronaldo do Nascimento Carvalho Universidade Estadual de Goiás
  • Valeska Regina Soares Marques Instituto Internacional de Educação e Pesquisa
  • Joana D'arc Bardella Castro Universidade Estadual de Goiás



Anos Iniciais, ENEM, Libras


This article seeks to analyze the viability of including Libras in the context of teaching in the early years (basic and fundamental education) and its inclusion in the ENEM test. Considered, since 2002, as the second official language of Brazil through Law No. 10,436, of April 24, 2002, by adopting the Brazilian Sign Language as a means of communication and expression - Libras, considered a visual-motor language, with a structure own grammar. In the general objective, it analyzes the feasibility of including the teaching of the discipline, in the early years of education, as well as the inclusion of questions in the ENEM test. The methodological assumptions are of a qualitative approach through bibliographical research. Thus, it is concluded that education has a fundamental role in the formation of the individual for the construction of knowledge. So, it is in this process that social inclusion should be considered that the insertion of sign language and in ENEM, as a duty of all and governmental spheres, in order to guarantee the necessary support to meet the demands of society. Therefore, language is an instrument for the deaf subject to have his guarantee of his full social and educational development.


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Como Citar

Carvalho, R. do N. ., Marques, V. R. S. ., & Castro, J. D. B. (2023). Viability analysis of insertion of pounds in the early years and its insertion in Enem: Análise da viabilidade da inserção de libras nos anos iniciais e sua inserção no Enem. Concilium, 23(4), 11–24.


